1. Be kind to each other. 2. No profanity. 3. Have the heart to help strengthen the body rather than tearing it down. 4. Speak freely but with respect of others.


Registration Date: 03-16-2012
Date of Birth: Hidden (66 years old)
Local Time: 03-09-2025 at 12:57 PM
Status: Offline

perazasa's Forum Info
Joined: 03-16-2012
Last Visit: 08-27-2012 02:36 AM
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Time Spent Online: 8 Hours, 51 Minutes, 4 Seconds
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perazasa's Contact Details
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Additional Info About perazasa
Sex: Female
Location: Oregon City, Oregon
Bio: Born again in 1991, Hillsboro, New Hampshire. Received the Holy Spirit several years after. Did not begin to speak in tongues until several years ago, perhaps two. Married for 12 and a half years. I have been to several churches. Evangelical, Four Square, Messianic, and two Word of Faith Churches. Currently in the process of leaving the Word of Faith Church. Anyone else in Oregon City or nearby area that understands who we are and a looking for a Straitway Church/community to become a part of?